About the author:

My research activity focuses on the development of human social cognition, with a particular interest in the abilities that allow infants to understand others’ behaviours. I use behavioural (eye-tracking, reaction, and fixation times) and electrophysiological measures (EEG, sEMG, ECG) to investigate the impact of social context characteristics (e.g., ostracism and intergroup relations) on the cognitive mechanisms and neural correlates involved in understanding others’ actions and emotions, as well as imitative behaviours in the early years of life.

What I want to achieve:

By exploring factors such as ostracism and intergroup relations, I aim to unveil how environmental and interpersonal variables shape and impact the early development of social cognitive abilities. This not only enriches our theoretical understanding but also carries practical ramifications for interventions and strategies geared toward nurturing healthy social development in infants.

Ultimately, my goal is to make a difference by advancing the knowledge base in the field of social cognition. Through rigorous empirical investigation, I aim to provide valuable insights that can inform educational practices, psychological interventions, and policies focused on promoting positive social interactions and emotional understanding from the first years of life. By bridging the divide between theoretical research and practical applications, I strive to foster a deeper comprehension of human social development and contribute to the well-being of individuals and communities.


Awards & accomplishments:

2023- 2025: Italian Ministry of University and Research PRIN Grant (€ 240,261) – Intergroup dehumanization: the social, neural, and physiological roots of mind attribution in infants and adults