Jeanne Brooks-Gunn

Virginia & Leonard Marx Professor of Child Development & Education, Teachers College and the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, USA

About the author:

I am a developmental psychologist who studies children youth and families over time. I am interested in the family and neighborhood conditions that influence how children and youth thrive or do not and how conditions at different ages influence development. I also do policy work as well as designing and evaluating interventions for children and families (home visiting clinic based programs, early childhood education programs, and after school programs).

Awards & accomplishments:

  • Fellow, American Educational Research Association (2009).
  • Member, National Academy of Medicine (2010).
  • Member, National Academy of Education (NAEd) (2010).
  • Men-in-Families Best Research Article Award for When fathers’ supportiveness matters most: Maternal and paternal parenting and children’s school readiness, (Martin, Ryan, and Brooks-Gunn, Journal of Family Psychology, 2010), National Council on Family Relations (2011).
  • Member, Network on Reversibility, National institute on Aging Division of Behavioral and Social Research (2012).
  • Harvard Graduate School of Education Alumni Council Award for Outstanding Contribution to Education (2013).
  • Matilda White Riley Lecture Award, Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research at the National Institutes of Health (2015).
  • Fellow of APA Division 53: Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, American Psychological Association (2019).