We report on important and high-quality research on how family influences child development, both social/emotional and cognitive. We write for parents, practitioners and policymakers.
We are developing in two new ways at the present time (2023). We are commissioning new articles from across the world, and we are developing our Academic Council of Advisors (see below) to be a global well of knowledge and experience. At the same time, we are developing new projects to reach parents within the communities that our researchers live and work in. This involves engaging with communities to find out what parents are concerned about, how best to reach them, and how to fund this locally.
The Child & Family Blog is owned by the not-for-profit Child and Family Blog Corporation in Maryland, USA.
We started in 2015 as a project with Jacobs Foundation and University of Cambridge, to explain recent research findings to lay audience of parents, practitioners and policy makers.
With nearly 400 articles so far, the website currently receives 25,000 visitors each month and growing. Most visitors discover the blog as they search for information about child development topics on an internet search engine (i.e., Google).
In 2021, the Blog moved out of the Jacobs Foundation into a purpose-built not-for-profit organisation in the USA, Child & Family Blog Corporation. Thirty leading child development academics came together to fund the Blog and participate in a newly established Academic Council. In its first year, this Council helped to devise projects that will utilize the website as a foundation for transmitting scientific knowledge and a vehicle for extending this communication beyond just the internet.
The Academic Council develops new communication ideas for the Child & Family Blog. It has working groups on fatherhood, adolescence, early learning, and family law.